Friday, April 13, 2012

Time Flies

I can't believe how long it has been (almost 2 months) since my last post. Talk about a bad blogger. What all has happened...well here is a quick recap.

February saw the adventure of clapping but that had nothing on the adventures we had on Jackson's very first vacation in March. Mom and I were lucky enough to spend almost a full week in Nebraska with Nana & Aunt Ruth. Talk about fun; other than the drive out of course which needless to say after hitting Black Ice in Iowa was far better the further west we got. Jackson is a great little traveler, though gone are the days of driving non stop. A simply 14 hour drive turned into a day and a half but we had lots of fun once out there. Jackson got spoiled rotten by his Nana and Auntzilla and I think Mom had separation anxiety when we got back. That was the longest she has had Jackson since he has been born. Also Cameron broke his leg while on a skiing trip. He is better now after a few weeks in a walking cast the Dr. just gave him a clean bill of health which I good cause he has been itching to get back in his car and the first race is next weekend.

March brought some new job opportunities for Rich. He was given a promotion at work as well as he is working alongside  a local photographer in Greentown doing sports photography and custom banners for seniors. He is really enjoying and I am so proud to see him getting to do what he loves. Also the big news for Jackson was...CRAWLING! Talk about no stopping him now.

Let Me Out

April has been busy and its only the 13th. This past Tuesday Jackson had tubes placed in his ears. We fought ear infections off and on all winter and antibiotics didn't seem to do much. He did wonderful and talk about the quickest procedure ever. He also never shed a tear (and neither did I). With the advancement of crawling Rich and I spent an entire weekend baby proofing the house. So far its seems to be working though I'm waiting for him to get brave and start crawling UP the stairs.

Jackson has been adding more words to his vocabulary and loves to mimic. Gramzilla may have to wait until he's a bit older right now she has become Nana (which isn't too bad since my Nana is pretty awesome I guess Jackson can have 2). Jackson has also been adding food to his palette. He loves biscuits and oatmeal. Its true that a sweet tooth runs in the family. If he even sees ice cream if get an earful if he doesn't get a little taste.

If our world wasn't hectic enough Race Season is getting ready to get in full swing. I swear there is no rest for the wicked but I can't say I would have it any other way.

More soon,
Much Love to All!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quick Update

Ok so I need to pay more attention to the blog. It has been almost a full month since my last post. Let's see what is new... Jackson started clapping. It's so cute watching his chubby little hands find new things. He is learning to pick up puff bites and put them in his mouth then he claps; even cuter. We are still working on the crawling; he can belly crawl backwards but all that does is really tick him off cause he gets further from his toys or me. Yesterday I got my birthday present; we had family pictures done at a small studio in Greentown that Rich has been doing some work with. As soon as he gets them edited we will get some up on here. Also, Jackson has still be fighting an ear infection. Three antibiotics later plus thrush and now nasty diaper rash it still isn't cleared up. So March 13th we have an appointment with a pediatric ENT at St. Vincent Peyton Manning to see about possibly putting tubes in. I'm hoping they will help with the fussiness. Thankfully the majority of the thrush is gone now just fighting the diaper rash.

For those of you who have been listening to the news there have been a few cases of Measles in this area; some of which are in the same school district as Cam. Thankfully we haven't noticed anything with Cam though he has had a bit of a sinus infection.

Ok well Jackson doesn't want to take a nap and is letting me know. Better get going. Will update more soon...I hope lol!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just Breathe

So my little man has yet another ear infection. I'm stumped and tired. He laughs one minute then cries the next and unfortunately its that cry that after about 30 seconds wears you down. I feel like a bad mom but whining and me just doesn't work. I love on him, carry him around, cuddle when he cuddles but it still continues. I have tried tylenol, motrin, and it seems like all he wants is to suck. Then I'm faced with the upset of having given up on breastfeeding. This week just hasn't been good. I just keep telling myself to take a deep breath and just breathe. I'm worried (as any new mom would be) as to whats causing the ear giving him a bottle in bed making it worse, am I not keeping him warm enough when we go outside, am I carrying home germs from work that he just can't fight off. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be one answer, so we walk. When he fusses we walk; when he whines we walk; when he just wants to cuddle we walk because right now that seems to be the only thing that keeps us both happy.

This too shall pass...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Holy Mango!

That's right our little garbage disposer liked Mango's this morning. I swear this child will eat anything. I hope it stays this way.

Last weekend was such a good weekend for him. Cameron was home and the boys had a ball. I worked so Dad was in charge and I guess the two boys were attached all weekend. I am so greatful that Cameron loves his little brother and there is no doubt that Jackson adores Cameron; he lights up and starts giggling when Cameron walks in a room. I guess most of the weekend was spent trying to teach Jackson how to crawl. He's got the butt wiggle wind up going but just can't get the legs and arms to go at the same time. It's still amazing to thing just a few months ago he was so little and now he's getting his own personality and changing everyday.

On the downside he has still been fighting the cough and now an ear infection secondary to the cold.  I sure how this isn't an indicator of future events with him.

I better go jump in the shower while he's happily playing.

Love to all!

Homework time!

Someone passed out in Bubba's Arms

Aren't I lucky?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello 2012

We survived 2011 and 2012 already looks promising. Rich attending the Tulsa Shootout this year and lets just keep our fingers crossed that the feedback and orders we are getting are just a glimpse of what is to come this year. I want nothing more than for him and us to have a successful business and so far this year is looking really good.

So with Rich at the Shootout I was able to tackle a few items on my list. With the help of my AMAZING mom we got my cabinets in ship shape, bathrooms clean and even cleaned the MAN CAVE (scary huh). Granted I did get the rearranging done down there but I was able to transition all the vinyl material and studio equipment to the other half of Cams room. I can officially say WE NEED MORE SPACE. Though its gonna be a few years before we can even think about selling and relocating. My goal is to have us in a larger home with a detached shop/studio by the time Jackson is in 1st grade. Mainly I want him to attend Eastern which is where his Dad went and is one of the better schools in our area. So that gives me what...6 more years seems like forever but if it is anything like the last 7 months it will fly by.

My poor baby has had a cold and I think it has been worse on me and him. Hearing him all plugged up, croupy, and snotty  just makes me want to snuggle him til it goes away (which may be why he's all about mommy holding him right now lol). He's also cutting teething; does it get any better the more teeth come in cause this isn't much fun right now. We have introduced BLUEBERRIES to his diet and OH BOY does he love them. We are also starting more solid foods like the Gerber Puffs he's slowly getting the hang of it and boy are they a lifesaver when shopping.

Rich is headed back out to Oklahoma this weekend for the Chili Bowl and I will probably relax at home and at mom and dads.

Happy New Year to All!
His First Breathing Treatment

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Wow...this month has FLOWN by. We survived Christmas. As many of you may know Christmastime always leaves me well grumpy. I love giving and watching everyone open gifts but getting to that part drives me up a wall. I almost cancelled Christmas I was so fed up, but I took a deep breath and remembered that it isn't about the gifts given its about the sparkle in the eyes of Jackson as he tore into his presents (with the help of Daddy) and the surprised look on Cam's face when he got his iPhone (followed by a well planned out contract that he signed that Rich & I wrote). Now that its all over and done with I'm ready to get this year buttoned up and start next year FRESH. So thankfully my husband will be out of town...wait that came out wrong. Rich is going out of town for the annual Tulsa Shootout. As much as I am going to miss him and not looking forward to being by myself let along w/ Jackson for the first time w/o back up I am looking forward to a day of cleaning and organizing courtesy of my Mom. I don't know how I would survive without her down the road (even if it is 45 mins away).

There are a few things I need to tackle but the biggest on my list is a tie between the "Man Cave" and the Kitchen. For me to be such a Type A personality you wouldn't know it if you looked in my cabinets so I have been "creative farming" as my husband likes to call it and yes I have an addiction to PINTEREST. For those of you who haven't learned of this craze let me tell you once you get started you can't stop. Talk about a great way to lose a few hours. I have found some of the neatest ideas and the best part, I don't lose them cause I can pin them to their appropriate board and the go back. LOVE IT.

Back to Christmas...It was so strange having my own little guy to open presents. There's nothing like watching them be amazed at little wrapping paper for instance. Even Zander and Jayden were so excited each time they opened a present. That was all I needed to remember why we work so hard all year long. It really isn't about the gifts (though I can't wait to use my new food processor *thanks MOM & DAD*) but it's about the smiles, memories, and laughter.

I hope everyone enjoyed their families and much as we enjoyed ours.

Merry Christmas & Best Wishes on the New Year!

Friday, December 2, 2011


It's official...I AM AN ADULT! Thanksgiving dinner was a hit. The turkey was the perfect golden brown and juicy, everyone loved it. Talk about a feeling of accomplishment. Thanksgiving was a fun day too. All the family was here except for my dad who wasn't feeling well and Jim & Ang. We laughed, watched an awesome Green Bay game (GO PACK!) and enjoyed spending time as a family. I'm so thankful that my families get along so well, are close by, and enjoy eachother.

Jackson oh how I laugh at him. He is learning textures so he's constantly touching and feeling. It is so funny to watch him discover something new, like the stubble on Rich's face. He isn't quite sure what he thinks of it but he just sets there are touches then gives Rich the funniest look. I can't believe how well he is doing. Either the teething tablets that I got for him are working or the fussy baby that appeared for a few weeks decided to leave and I have the cutest little cuddle bug who just smiles and laughs (I greatly prefer the later...).

We are planning a date night Saturday. Jackson is spending the night with GramsZ and Pa while mommy and daddy do Christmas decorating and dinner on the town. This will be only the second date that Rich and I have had since Jackson. I firmly believe that we need time for eachother as much as we do spending time with him. Plus it also makes Jackson aware of being ok with other people and not totally dependent on us. I love the fact that he doesn't know a stranger, doesn't cry, that anyone he meets he just smiles. Of course when he is older we will have to change that a little bit but I'm sure he will adapt just fine.

With the year winding down we are making some changes. The biggest one is setting a budget and paying off debt. It seems like a never ending battle but Rich and I both have dreams that we know the only way to accomplish them is with hard work and getting rid of the debt burden. So we have been realistic and decided to tackle the dreaded credit cards first. I wish there was a magic potion that would take them away but there isn't so I guess overtime it is for him and I.

Pictures to come of our Christmas Tree!